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Goddess Worship

October 26, 2023
October 26, 2023 Jennifer Doran

Goddess Worship

Mythological gods and goddesses have long been revered as embodiments of the eternal celestial within humanity. These divine figures serve as bridges between cultures and the complexities of life, helping people make sense of their surroundings and transcend the often challenging physical realities they face. Across time and civilizations, the concept of a mother goddess has been cherished for its multifaceted symbolism. She represents abundance, fertility, kindness, family, marriage, bountiful harvests, and good fortune. Beyond these attributes, she embodies traits such as femininity and womanhood, serving as a beacon of hearth, home, family, fertility, compassion, strength, and loving-kindness. Yet, there are also goddesses like the Norse giantess Hel and the Egyptian goddess Isis, who delve into the darker aspects of existence—the underworld, death, magical healing, and the guidance of human destinies.

Tracing the History of Goddess Worship:

The practice of goddess or woman worship finds its roots in the Paleolithic era, spanning from approximately 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 BCE, marking humanity’s most enduring recorded period on Earth. Archaeological expeditions have uncovered relics dating back to this era, with the most prevalent being the Venus figurines, believed to have been crafted between 24,000 to 22,000 BCE. Following the Paleolithic period, the Neolithic era emerged, accompanied by the discovery of more intricately carved goddess figurines dating back approximately 10,000 years. This phase coincided with the advent of agriculture as a fundamental practice, and these figurines likely represented symbols of fertility and offerings aimed at ensuring bountiful harvests.

The ancient Egyptians also held a prominent position in the realm of goddess culture, commencing with the Nagada culture. Numerous murals depict a goddess figure standing between two lionesses, revered as symbols of nurturing motherhood. Elements of the Earth, moon, sky, and primordial waters were associated with the feminine and its nurturing capacities. While Egyptian mythology featured numerous gods and goddesses, the most eminent female figures were Isis and Hathor. These traditions transcended Egyptian borders and influenced other cultures around the world. Furthermore, archaeological excavations globally have consistently revealed an abundance of goddess figurines, surpassing those of male deities. These findings strongly suggest that many early societies operated under predominantly matriarchal influences.