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The Only Valuable Thing is Intuition

July 31, 2024 Jennifer Doran

The Only Valuable Thing is Intuition

Albert Einstein said, “The Only Valuable Thing is Intuition.”
He’s not wrong. Your Intuition is so important and it’s important that you develop it. It’s the reason that I bring it up from time to time. It’s something that shouldn’t be forgotten.

Think about those times when you just knew something was going to happen. You might not have known exactly what, but your gut told you to pay attention, to be aware.

What might surprise you is that your entire digestive tract is lined by the enteric nervous system (ENS), a vast network of millions of neurons and glial cells—the same primary cell types found in the central nervous system. Often called the second brain, the ENS not only generates the same neurotransmitters but also predates the evolution of the central nervous system in the brain.

Your gut has a brain that is connected to your central nervous system, which is connected to your actual brain! How cool is that? Our guts are also right where our Solar Plexus Chakra is. The Solar Plexus Chakra helps us make decisions from a place of inner wisdom. When you feel anxiety, where do you feel it? In your gut. When something isn’t right, where do you feel it? In your gut.

Listening to your gut is a way of referring to trusting your intuition or instinctive feelings about a situation or decision. Here’s what it generally entails and why it’s often considered valuable:

Instinctual Feelings: Your “gut feeling” is often described as a sensation or inner knowing that arises without conscious reasoning. It’s a visceral response to a situation, person, or decision that may not be immediately explainable but feels significant.

Subconscious Processing: Your subconscious mind can pick up on subtle cues and patterns that your conscious mind might overlook. Gut feelings can be a manifestation of this subconscious processing, alerting you to potential dangers or opportunities.

Emotional Guidance: Gut feelings are often intertwined with emotions. If something feels right or wrong on an emotional level, it can influence your gut instincts. Paying attention to these emotional responses can help guide your decisions in alignment with your values and well-being.

Quick Decision-Making: Gut feelings can be particularly useful in situations where quick decisions are needed. Instead of overthinking or analyzing every aspect, trusting your intuition can lead to swift and sometimes more accurate decisions.

Everything is connected. When your gut speaks to your brain, take a minute and listen. Think about the message. I have never experienced a time in my life where my gut told my brain something and it was wrong. There is a profound connection between the inner and the outer. What we have going on inside and the rest of the Universe is all connected if we only take the time to feel it and listen to it.


Be Well.